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A man from Cleveland was sentenced to prison for stealing $5 million in bitcoin that was seized, and he once sat in a bathtub full of cash

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    gary harmon bitcoin miami club

    Gary Harmon was sentenced to more than four years in federal prison for stealing nearly $5 million in bitcoin the government seized from his brother. He's photographed here in a bathtub full of cash at a Miami club.United States Attorney's Office in Washington D.C.

    CLEVELAND, Ohio — A Cleveland man was sentenced Thursday to more than four years in prison for stealing about $5 million in bitcoin that federal agents had seized from his brother.

    Gary Harmon, 31, used the stolen bitcoin to spend lavishly, including converting some of it into $100,000 in dollar bills that he used to fill a bathtub and sit in at a Miami club.

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    Author: Tiffany Walters

    Last Updated: 1704396362

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    Author information

    Name: Tiffany Walters

    Birthday: 1981-11-21

    Address: 684 William Point, North Wesley, WI 06891

    Phone: +4330178741592125

    Job: Translator

    Hobby: Camping, Coin Collecting, Metalworking, Running, Web Development, Archery, Cooking

    Introduction: My name is Tiffany Walters, I am a unguarded, persistent, honest, ingenious, striking, receptive, audacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.