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In China, Tesla has increased the price of the Model 3/Model Y Rear-Wheel Drive variants

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    Beijing (Gasgoo)- Tesla issued an immediate price adjustment starting November 14 for the Model 3/Model Y Rear-Wheel Drive versions in the Chinese market via its official Weibo account.

    Tesla lifts prices of Model 3/ Model Y Rear-Wheel Drive versions in China

    Model 3; photo credit: Tesla

    The updated pricing sees a rise of 1,500 yuan for the Model 3 Rear-Wheel Drive, now starting at 261,400 yuan, and a 2,500-yuan increase for the Model Y Rear-Wheel Drive, which now starts at 266,400 yuan. Additionally, Tesla announced some year-end benefits, offering discounts of up to 1,750 yuan, 90-day trial of Enhanced Autopilot (EAP) functions, and 7,000 credits for the purchase of certain models.

    This marks Tesla's third recent price increase in China. On November 9, Tesla announced price adjustments for the Model 3/Model Y Long Range versions. The Model 3 Long Range saw a 1,500-yuan hike, priced at 297,400 yuan, and the Model Y Long Range increased by 2,500 yuan, reaching 302,400 yuan.

    Previously, Tesla had just completed a price rise for the Model Y Performance version on October 27, with a 14,000-yuan increase, setting the starting price at 363,900 yuan.

    In response to the price rise, Tesla's customer service stated that the increase is attributed to rising costs, while the vehicle's configuration remains unchanged. Tesla assured that price fluctuations are normal, and if costs decrease, prices may follow suit.

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